Monday, July 7, 2008

Clearing out!

I supervised my humans today while they did some gardening. It's a really old farm we live on, and it's a bit run down, but it's good good bones underneath. So we weeded a big old circular garden under a sprawling old jacaranda tree. My mum had put it off for the longest time because it seemed like such a big job. It was a real mess, but with some good friends co-operating and working together, talking and laughing, all the weeds and crazy tufts of grass were finally pulled out.

And what a treasure trove we found underneath the mess. Hundreds of bulbs, most of them sprouting and some blue bearded irises already in flower. Nature's wonders planted so long ago, that now get to see the light of day and share their beauty again.

So I wonder, what treasures might have been planted in you long ago, that just need to be exposed to some light? Piano lessons when you were ten, a love of sport, a language learned at school and forgotten, a great recipe your nana taught you?

Or do you have some area in your life that needs a tidy up and make-over? What treasures might you find in an old journal, or the back of the cupboard, or on top of the wardrobe?

Sometimes the neatest surprises are right under our noses. And if the job seems too big, remember you can always ask for help!

Learning: A little bit of tidying up, digging around or exploring can uncover all sorts of wonderful surprises. And the help of friends is invaluable.

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