Friday, July 4, 2008

Going Nuts! It's sometimes good...

Charlie Phillips here - giving you some free life coaching.
Let me ask you a few questions.
  1. Are you conservative by nature?
  2. Are you governed by a strict routine?
  3. Are you responsible?
  4. Maybe even a little over-responsible?
  5. Are you scheduled down to the last minute of your day?
  6. Are you really anxious about something? (or everything?)
  7. Are you (gulp) a control freak?

This is what dogs know... Being stitched up tight all the time is not good for you. Sometimes you really do need to just have a bit of wild crazy fun. But what's stopping you? The only thing that stops dogs occasionally breaking out is being literally chained up on a short leash, or massive fear. Hmm. Sounds like some humans I know. Stuck, stuck, stuck.

But cutting loose gets everything flowing. I call it going nuts! When I get like this my humans call me The Nutsilator! Giving in to that feeling and going a bit crazy helps the Universe move us out of stuckness, and it FEELS great! Sometimes I cut loose by running around the house jumping on and off all the furniture. Sometimes I just start howling and dancing around to the radio. Ocassionally I just ambush my owners, jump all over them and tell them how much, how really really much I love them. No special reason. It just feels good.

Then when I'm done I feel relaxed, joyful and I can't stop smiling. That small episode of craziness has often inspired me to do some of my best connecting, thinking, dreaming or problem solving. Or at least I've slept well!

So, how can you go a little nuts? Can you jump around the lounge room? Go out with friends and sing karaoke or dance like a wild thing? Walk down the street smiling and saying hello to EVERYONE? Crank up the car stereo and belt out a song or two with the windows down?

Let me know what works for you. And I'm always here if you need to ask me a question. Just post a comment, or email my secretary Miss Whimsey The dog knows. We'll get you sorted! Have fun. Charlie xx

Learning: When we have to massively control everything, or we are frightened of breaking free or trying something different, it shows that we don't trust the Universe enough to take care of us. And often we don't feel worthy enough or lovable enough for the Universe to even notice, let alone allow good things to happen in our lives. RELAX. You are well loved. Think good thoughts and trust. Life is not meant to be hard all the time. Wonder is right here. Just open your eyes!

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