Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sniffing for Vibes - A Free 7 Day Introductory Coaching Course in Communication

After a lovely post from Hamish (see comments on"Sometimes we don't need words") I've decided to explain a bit more about how dogs communicate with and know so much about humans. A lot of this you really CAN learn to to do by yourselves, even as a non-dog. I'm going to break this up into a few topics over the next few months, and break each topic down in to chewable but meaty chunks. Any good coach lets his students know in advance what their learning program will be all about!

Today I'll outline our work, and tomorrow we'll begin. If you leave me a comment at the end of any day's posting I'll be sure to answer you!

Day 1 - Sniffing for Vibes. The Law Of Vibration - Humans emit vibration based on what they're thinking and feeling. They can't help it, it's the Law! Learn how to sniff for those Vibes.

Day 2 - The Quiet Observer. Broad guidelines for understanding how a person feels, no matter what noise is coming out of their mouth.

Day 3 - Watching the Face - It's all about Eyes today.

Day 4 - Watching the Face - Today it's the Mouth.

Day 5 - Listening for Sounds - As the noise tumbles out of a human mouth, today we concentrate on how that voice SOUNDS. It helps us understand pack order, and a human's view of their own position in the hierarchy.

Day 6 - Listening for Emotion - Emotions have sounds we can hear. They pop out of humans whether they are aware of it or not!

Day 7 - Approaching Humans This is the introduction for the Advanced Level 7 day course we'll start soon. Humans can be fragile, defensive or threatening, as well as open, loving and fun. We need to learn how to approach them safely in any situation.

Get ready for some sound dog wisdom as we work on our non-verbal communing skills. Yep - it starts with a little hippy vibe. Commune first, then communicate. See you tomorrow, your Life Coach, Charlie xx lick lick

Learning: The best communication starts with observation and communing. Humans, keep your mouths shut a little longer. Be aware of your surroundings, your human and the context. A little observation makes a big difference in obtaining successful communication outcomes.

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