Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Value of Persistance

Humans quit pretty fast. I see it all the time. They say they want something, but instead of persisting they give up if they don't get a fast payoff for their efforts.

We dogs learn as puppies that if you want something, if you really WANT something, then you need to persist!

All the time we're digging under the back fence, through dirt as hard as steel, day after day, we're imaginging how cool it will be to be running around in the backyard next door with the cute puppy who lives there. We hold the picture in our mind of what we want, and we get so excited and worked up about that picture that we can just dig and dig and dig, even if someone keeps filling in our hole!

Learning: The trick is, to give yourself enough TIME to be persistent, and to hold the picture of what you want in your mind until you're really excited about it, as though you're already there! Humans call that the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction in action. We dogs just know that that's the way things work around here!
Love your persistance - Charlie xx

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