Saturday, July 26, 2008

Listening For Emotion - Reading the Unspoken Vibes!

Humans emit emotional signals like radio stations emit songs. When you tune in to someone by paying careful attention with your heart, by watching and listening and carefully observing you can almost SEE the emotions being given off as energetic signals.

Then you can match your approach and communication with their emotional state. Sometimes you can even figure out how to give them what they need to enhance or improve their emotional state.

Humans and animals can get into very primal states - emotions that are common to all of us. These include fear, panic, grief, curiosity, anger, excitement, love, fatigue, hunger, relaxation, happiness and loneliness. When we reach out to each other and show that we can recognise the emotion the other person/animal is experiencing, it provides great comfort and reassurance. Everyone wants to be heard and understood, even when they are not sure themselves what they are trying to say or do. We all want to belong, and we all want to feel loved.

In this next video humans help animals by listening for emotions. They might look a bit silly, but just like dogs, they are willing to get down on their friend's level and really tune in to those primal emotional signals:

Learning: Humans radiate emotion, through their body language, facial expressions, the way they dress and their tone of voice. We can tune into this emotional vibration ,and by understanding it we can build a bridge between us, no matter if we are different species. Love is the universal language!

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