Saturday, July 26, 2008

Approaching Humans - A Dog's perspective on saying hello and making friends

Everyone needs friends. Everyone wants to be loved. And we dogs have learned how to approach humans by watching, feeling for the vibes that a person is emitting, approaching carefully and beaming joy, love and acceptance.

Ah - that's the bit humans forget. The bit about beaming joy, love and acceptance. You see, as a dog, I don't want or need anything from you. I just want to say hi. I just want you to know I see you. That you're not invisible to me. That you matter. That I'd like to give you a hug, or play with you, or maybe just hang out quietly in your space.

I approach you with love, as if you already are my friend. As if you already are someone I love. Than I just match my energy with your energy, and I beam out all the good feelings inside me so they flood you with tenderness and love and joy.

When we are connecting eye to eye, soul to soul - THEN we can start some really useful dialogue. But until we do that, it's all about the approach. About putting you in my focus and making YOU the most important thing in my moment. Sometimes we need to do that until the other person can feel lifted up enough to even be able to look us in the eye or reach out. It might take a while. But dogs are patient.

Learning: In communication, most humans think its about the message, but we dogs know that if you can't see us or connect with us our message means nothing. SO it's all about the approach. Make the other person the focus of your energy, thoughts and love. Be patient and observant, and don't expect too much. There's always time for the right words later. And sometimes words aren't needed - because love, acceptance and understanding is enough. So there you go. The basics of 'Dog Communication with Humans 101 Introductory Course'. Thanks for participating!

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