Monday, August 4, 2008

Resisting temptation actually can feel GOOD!

Want to get better results in every area of your life NOW? Well as your personal Life Coach I'm going to show you how, for free, with just one simple piece of advice you can apply to any situation...

Dogs know a lot about immediate gratification. If it's there and we want it, then we usually just go for it. And sometimes that's a good thing.

BUT sometimes resisting temptation can actually feel good. And even more importantly, it can bring you those results you want! My younger brother Bert is a slow learner. To be fair, he's still just a puppy! Sometimes he can resist immediate gratification, but often it wins out. And that has bigger consequences in his life.

Down here on the farm, if Mum and Dad go out, they know they can leave me with access to the house, and leave food on the bench and it will still be here when they get back. So I get certain priviledges because they TRUST me, and my actions have earned that trust. I often get a tasty reward for being able to NOT eat that defrosting roast, or the freshly baked cake that is cooling on the rack while they are gone.

Bert is another story. They know if they leave the house open and tasty treats around, then Bert will avail himself of them, even if he waits for a while trying to be good before he finally caves in. They don't TRUST him yet, so they have to put him on a chain, or lock him out of the house.

If Bert DOES eat something that he stole off the bench he eats it and it tastes good. But pretty soon he starts to feel bad. And by the time Mum and Dad get home he is worried and slinky down low with flat ears and sad eyes. He doesn't feel good anymore and he wishes he could reverse time and resist that temptation. Then he usually gets in trouble and has to go outside and suffer the consequences of sneaking food.

Learning: Are you attempting to lose weight, wanting to exercise, needing to get an assignment done or a task that you don't enjoy? Or is it something even more important than that, where you can't even get started? What is tempting you right now? I bet it's something that would derail TRUST in yourself, or TRUST from others. Even though you might want to succumb to the temptation of not exercising, or eating chocolate, or procrastinating, I can guarantee that if you can resist temptation, your outcomes will be a whole lot brighter, and you'll FEEL WAY BETTER THAN IF YOU'D GIVEN IN AND DONE THE THING YOU NEEDED TO RESIST. And the secret to all of this is that the more you can resist those temptations, the stronger you become, the easier it gets, and the happier you feel. Go try it - you'll see that I'm right!
Keep Smiling,
Charlie xx

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